
Plantronics hub stuck on downloading software
Plantronics hub stuck on downloading software

plantronics hub stuck on downloading software

Check the box for "Connection Server Cache Mode" and in the drop down list select "Read Only".Check the box for "View Connection Server Address" and enter in the URL for the VCS.Check the box for "Session Connection Type" and select "View Connection Server" in the drop down list.In the profile go to "Session Configuration"and click the "Edit Properties" link.Go to the profile that manages the ZCs you want to change.Server(VCS) address on the Zero Client's(ZC) OSD, please follow the To remove the user's capability of changing the View Connection The pool I used only has one desktop in it so this V1200 always connects to that desktop only. You will need an AD account that has rights to that desktop and also enter the pool name to select.

plantronics hub stuck on downloading software

Then on the V1200 change the connection type to View Connection Server + Auto-logon Since single sign on has been disabled, it does not pass the view credentials to the VM. When the device logs in, it will get its assigned VM based on the username.(Make sure you only assign that user to a single pool/vm). Create a AD user, depending on your client device's autologin requirements for the username naming convention, and then assign that user to that VM. This can be done either on the source for a pool, an individual machine in a pool (but it will be overwritten with a recompose), or for a single non-linked clone vm in a pool. This is done using regedit, or with a GPO. by adding a string entry "AllowSingleSignon" with a value of "false" to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware VDM\Agent\Configuration on the VM that you want to assign a specific client.

Plantronics hub stuck on downloading software